Other Ways to Give

Cash gifts are only one way to support the Friends of the library. Often, it is more advantageous to the donor to give appreciated assets or a gift through your estate plan. Please call Executive Director Merlin David at 310-921-7505 or email him at mdavid@pvldfriends.org to discuss alternative giving opportunities that are best suited to your personal circumstances.

Here are some ways to support the Friends:

    “Our entire family has benefited tremendously from the Palos Verdes Library, its resources, programs, services, and everything that it has to offer. It is essential that the library be able to continue its mission to serve our community for generations to come. We are proud to include “Friends of the Library” in our estate plan, because it supports our legacy as a family that is committed to education and insures that future Peninsula residents will benefit from this vital community resource just as we have.”

    – The Lennertz Family

    If you would like to learn more about how you can contribute to the future of the library, please contact Merlin David, Executive Director, at 310-921-7505 or mdavid@pvldfriends.org.